
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Road so Far.....

        At the beginning of this journey, I never thought I would be behind a computer telling my story. I always thought writing it all out would help in the result of hopefully helping other people who are in my shoes. Growing up I always thought to have mental health was a "crime" or it was a result of being "crazy".  In all reality, it isn't all "crazy" or even a "crime".       Having mental health is apart of life on some spectrum. Being diagnosed isn't a curse or a sickness. Even though many do believe this to be true it is a bunch of well bullshit. Society puts a crazy sticker on this topic even this sticker doesn't even need to exist. We need to be more patient and kinder to these people.     Being diagnosed with 5 different mental illnesses, this becomes even more clear to me every day I get into a car and go to therapy and group. I think to myself am I really this crazy? Am I even worth all of this work and trouble? The...

You're just Overreacting

   "You're just overreacting Cass there is nothing to worry about." I hear this as my body feels like ice and there is a buzzing sound in my head. The buzzing gets louder and louder as my hands started to tingle. I was having a panic attack and no one knew. The signs of a panic or anxiety attack are not always noticeable. Many people believe they are pretty much the same. However, from my own experience, they are exactly the same. Having a panic or anxiety attack can feel like the entire world is crashing around in one flash of a moment. All sense of reality is broken and twisted. Trying to come out of it is like trying to deactivate a bomb. Everything just comes crashing down. Breathing is nonexistent, the sound in your ear is deafening. Many people that I know in my life, who don't understand think that when this all happens to a person they are either overreacting and just wanting attention. When I hear this my entire self-esteem crashes, I become dormant and ...

Living and Struggling with Anxiety

                     "Just deal with it!"   "You're fine, it's just a phase"  "You're overreacting"      These are three of the different things that I would be told regarding having an anxiety attack. It was always hard hearing these things. It brought my self-esteem to a low point and brought me to a very dark moment in my life. Being told these on a slight daily basis brought fear and hatred to my life.     Living with anxiety can feel like living in a constant action film. Always on guard and always making sure things stayed in control. It became almost like the entire world was closing in on me. The sensation of this would bring only fear and destruction. I struggled with being a normal person.     The anxiety attacks would first be short and sweet. After years of trama and struggles, the attacks became more of a living monster holding tight to my arm never letting go. I...

Getting to Know Me

Hello!! Welcome to my blog. My name is CJ McCreight but no need to be formal just call me CJ. I am 22 years old and living life as best as I can, I wanted to start this blog to record and share my experiences and advice regarding mental health and my own recovery story. I hope to spread the awareness of mental health and the resources that are available. Before I begin and diving deep into this whole blogging thing, I wanted to provide a bit of more information about what I will be trying to accomplish. My accomplishments with this blog will be... 1. Being able to provide a safe place for people to communicate and reach out for help. I'm not a therapist or a doctor. I am only an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. 2. Showing that even though I may seem alright on the outside, there is a ton of darkness inside. It\s ok to not be ok. It's strength, not a weakness 3. Giving an outreach for those who need it. Again I am not a therapist , or a doctor of any kind. I am...