The Road so Far.....
At the beginning of this journey, I never thought I would be behind a computer telling my story. I always thought writing it all out would help in the result of hopefully helping other people who are in my shoes. Growing up I always thought to have mental health was a "crime" or it was a result of being "crazy". In all reality, it isn't all "crazy" or even a "crime". Having mental health is apart of life on some spectrum. Being diagnosed isn't a curse or a sickness. Even though many do believe this to be true it is a bunch of well bullshit. Society puts a crazy sticker on this topic even this sticker doesn't even need to exist. We need to be more patient and kinder to these people. Being diagnosed with 5 different mental illnesses, this becomes even more clear to me every day I get into a car and go to therapy and group. I think to myself am I really this crazy? Am I even worth all of this work and trouble? The...